Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Backpack maintenance

Proper care for long-lasting gear

Can I wash my backpack in the washing machine?

"No – abrasion wears out the material (PU coating) and will in the long run damage the pack. Also, detergents are often not washed out properly. This could lead to skin irritation for sensitive skin types. A chemical reaction of sweat, detergent and UV rays further damages the material."

Do I have to impregnate the backpack material?

"For the first years, the rucksack material offers great water protection. However, in heavy rain water will seep through the zippers and seams. In alpine regions, for climbing or ski tours you should use waterproof packsacks in the rucksack to keep your gear 100% dry. The advantage is that the attachment straps then remain free for material, such as ice axe, skis, poles or snowshoes. For hiking and trekking backpacks use a rain cover. Also, impregnation won’t last very long on older models. And impregnation (spray and bath impregnation) in the strap’s material can lead to skin irritation."

Place the backpack in a tub or shower filled with water and wash with ph-neutral soap. Dirt and stains can be easily cleaned with a soft brush. Salt stains on the carrying system can be removed by simply washing with soap and plenty of water.
Make sure to always store the pack in a dry place!


Full Block Style

1385 Laurier Avenue 
Ottawa, Ontario K2G 1V8 
March 20, 20xx 
James Moore, Human Resources Manager
Global Market Incorporated
45 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5W 1E5

Dear Mr. Moore:
This is semi-block letter format.
It too begins with the sender’s address, the date, the receiver’s name and address, and then the opening salutation. The difference between full-block and semi block is easy:
  • In full-block format, nothing is indented.
  • In semi-block format, the sender’s address, date and closing salutation are indented.
  • In semi-block format, it is also permissible to indent the paragraphs, but it is not necessary to do so.
If you have questions about this format, please email me.
Nicholas Strachan
Nicholas Strachan


Menyusun Surat

                                     CAMBRIDGE ELECTRONIC CORPORATION
                      231 Blackmore street
                                                     NewYork , NY 200LL, LA                

Ref : DT/NN?12    

th May 1993

Messrs Johnson Smith & Carlson Ltd
Cambridge Electronic Corporation
16 fifth Avenue Street
Los Angeles , LA                                                                                                         

Dear Sirs
We have to remind you that your account for television ordered on 12 february has not yet been paid. Discount cannot be allowed.
You will remember that we went to some troble to meet your delivery date, and we are sure that you would not wish to inconvenience us by delayit your payment.
A copy of the statement is enclosed , and we shall be glad to receive your cheque by return.

    Your faithfully

    Cambrideg electronic Corporation

     Jonathan R Smith